Our plan is fully funded by the company, and as a Harbinger employee, you benefit without investing a cent. The value of the stock is largely based on how well the company performs. As the company grows, your stock value grows.
100% Employee-Owned
Harbinger offers employee ownership to all of our employees.

What does a 100% employee-owned company mean to you?
As an Employee:
You can participate in a long-term retirement plan that is funded completely by the company. It’s free and no risk to you!
You have a direct impact in the success of the company. By delighting your clients, you are creating financial success for the company and you personally.
You have the opportunity to work with a professional team that has a “we’re all in this together” attitude. When one succeeds, we all do.
Joining Harbinger can be a financial “game changer” for you and your family. And all you have to do is your job!
There is room for you!
Harbinger Partners, Inc.
855 Village Center Dr #387 North Oaks, MN 55127
P 612-544-7977 E info@harbinger-partners.com